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StrontiumSr Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7 Electron 8 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7 Electron 8 Electron 9 Electron 10 Electron 11 Electron 12 Electron 13 Electron 14 Electron 15 Electron 16 Electron 17 Electron 18 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7 Electron 8 Electron 1 Electron 2

Strontium is a chemical element with symbol Sr and atomic number 38. An alkaline earth metal, strontium is a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element that is highly reactive chemically. The metal turns yellow when it is exposed to air.

38 Atomic Number
87.62 Atomic Mass (u)
1042.15 Melting Point (K)
1655 Boiling Point (K)
2.64 Density (solid: g/cm³, gas: g/liter)
2.5 Atomic Radius (Å)
1.95 Covalent Radius (Å)
0.95 Electronegativity
5.69 First Ionization Energy (eV)
5.02 Electron Affinity
5 Number of Shells
2 Electron Valency
2, 8, 18, 8, 2 Electron Shell Occupations
0.3 Specific Heat (J/g)