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PromethiumPm Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7 Electron 8 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7 Electron 8 Electron 9 Electron 10 Electron 11 Electron 12 Electron 13 Electron 14 Electron 15 Electron 16 Electron 17 Electron 18 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7 Electron 8 Electron 9 Electron 10 Electron 11 Electron 12 Electron 13 Electron 14 Electron 15 Electron 16 Electron 17 Electron 18 Electron 19 Electron 20 Electron 21 Electron 22 Electron 23 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7 Electron 8 Electron 1 Electron 2

Promethium, originally prometheum, is a chemical element with the symbol Pm and atomic number 61. All of its isotopes are radioactive; it is one of only two such elements that are followed in the periodic table by elements with stable forms, a distinction shared with technetium. Chemically, promethium is a lanthanide, which forms salts when combined with other elements.

61 Atomic Number
145 Atomic Mass (u)
1204.15 Melting Point (K)
3273 Boiling Point (K)
7.26 Density (solid: g/cm³, gas: g/liter)
2.6 Atomic Radius (Å)
1.99 Covalent Radius (Å)
1.13 Electronegativity
5.58 First Ionization Energy (eV)
12.45 Electron Affinity
6 Number of Shells
2, 8, 18, 23, 8, 2 Electron Shell Occupations