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ChlorineCl Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7 Electron 8 Electron 1 Electron 2 Electron 3 Electron 4 Electron 5 Electron 6 Electron 7

Chlorine is a chemical element with symbol Cl and atomic number 17. It also has a relative atomic mass of 35.5. Chlorine is in the halogen group (17) and is the second lightest halogen following fluorine.

17 Atomic Number
35.45 Atomic Mass (u)
172.31 Melting Point (K)
239.11 Boiling Point (K)
3.2 Density (solid: g/cm³, gas: g/liter)
0.97 Atomic Radius (Å)
1.02 Covalent Radius (Å)
3.16 Electronegativity
12.97 First Ionization Energy (eV)
348.57 Electron Affinity
3 Number of Shells
7 Electron Valency
2, 8, 7 Electron Shell Occupations
0.48 Specific Heat (J/g)